Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Untitled ( Too much shit happend for us to give a title)

Another Day at the library

Seriously, the library is kind of a cool place to hangout/ study or hangout while studying <<< ( this works for us btw) and its seriously effective. The shity part bout the books at the library is, we got to figure out where the books are instead of a lookin up for the book on a pc or wotever thats better than us tryin to locate it. ITS FUCKIN ANNOYING!!!!!! Oh btw, we found out that some ppl at swinburne got access to some realy good stuff. dont know where they smoke this stuff in uni, but it works for them and we have seen it with our own eyes. Dancin on a chair and then runnin up and down the library(happens always) is few of the things these ppl do.
the above picture shows one of em ppl. feel sorry for that guy, probably thought she was doin that for him to see. btw brown brother sources tel us that this girl in the picture is IVANNA TING studies FOUNDATION IN BUSINESS @ SHIT HOLE ( SWINBURNE SARAWAK) [ no offence, but swinburne seriously sucks ]

She runs way too fast to be captured on cam, but u cant c the blur after she went past. Told ya this was some good shit they smoke here.


Speaking of good shit, the Team BB ( Team Brown Brother) took an evenin off to go watch Wall-E. Btw Wall-E is our very own ganja smokin brown brother SAMIUR (a.k.a stoner/ganjakhor). He was too busy actin in the movie so he couldnt watch it with us, we managed to get a real picture of him.

This was taken behind the scenes. He wasnt in a good mood cos he was lookin for eeeeeeeva. But ended being happy after gettin some good shit free of charge. Sorry bout the picture bro, i guess it was bad timing.

Thats team BB minus angelo who was takin the picture, couldnt trust any of the ppl at the cineplex with a camera cos we didnt c any fellow brown brothers execpt for some labourer looking brown brothers ( they cant be trusted).


[Team BB + liew ming] and beijing boys with shir, mic and joyce went for dinner at jalan song, we were watchin the olympics. 5000m mens sprint was on, a lot of mangalies and few whities were competing. Obvioulsy we were on the mangali side ( Team BB + Liew ming) , then something unexpected happend.

Mangalicaly brown kaSUN (emphasize........) shocked us to our core when he showed support to the whitie ( from USA) who won the sprint. We are extremely disappointed.

Writers Comment : kasun i think u should look at ur self in this picture and c if ur blackish brown or white.

But we forgive an underage mangalicaly brown brother......he has much to learn.

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