Saturday, August 30, 2008

boooring saturday!!!

unfortunately......none of us went clubbing tonite. One of the main reasons not to go was that no one felt like it (except BB angelo and BB chirath who never seem to get tired of it), another reason was that team BB plus liew ming plus milton minus BB shaveen went to watch the merdeka celebrations. Well, their intention was to watch merdeka celabration fireworks but the idiots were at the riverside while all the fireworks and everything was happening somewhere else.....what a bunch of idiots!!! Team BB just ended up chilling at the riverside like a bunch of jobless fuckers!

looking stoned as usual!

we saw this in at one of the banks on the way to riverside. BB angelo and BB tausif were really proud because the one in the middle is their currency (RESPECT!!)

After sticking around at the riverside like hobos, Team BB and liew ming and milton met up with a bunch of bengali mangalis. Afterwards BB tausif and BB angelo went with them to travilion while BB chirath, milton and liew ming went home. that's all

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