Sunday, August 24, 2008


The mangali brothers (minus one) found it hard to survive at the brown and yellow unity house

writers comment: yes i have to say this at the start. my ass cheeks are more united than the fuckin unity house

things took a turn for the worst when mangali hunter (a.k.a hawaian wanna be beijing bitch from JB) [no names mentioned for BB safety] expressed his feelings bout OUR PPL (minus the labourer looking fellows) when he started his own blog. the address is on the right hand side.

hold up, the writer lost the plot

oh yeah, the main point was shaveen is back( totaly disabled) (probably a curse by the beijing* ppl he dissed)

writer's comment: he gets free parking, and priority at shit hole# lift, ummmmm oh yeah and sympathy from hotties at shit hole#. (RESPECT)

* beijing refers to chinese ppl (no offence fellow chinese friends, but seriously u GUYS* freak us out)

* GUYS refers to guys/she males* ( dont get it? then u r a beijing guy)

* no matter how much u try to be a woman and get free shit on ladies nite, u're still considered a man. oh wait thats y its she MALE, dont u faggots get it???????

# if u forgot wot shithole is, it refers to swinburne sarawak which had a lousy opening ceremony the day b4 yesterday (bb sources say this was due to lack of brown brother involvement)

writers comment: save shaveen and make him feel good call his toll free number 0168724658 (only hotties, if u're one piece of worthless shit, dont even bother calling)

p.s : hotties reffers to hot "girls" only. no she males, no guys, no 1 below 6 on a scale of 1 to 10.

Below are picture of shaveen tryin to walk and few other random stuff

notice how we cut out the non brown guy from the picture.

Tausif and chirath looks extra mangalically brown in the picture (more RESPECT)

racism in effect

writers comment: look how far milton is standing from us. FUCKIN RACIST BASTARD ( milton we still love u) . oh btw since we saw in a book that the beijings were sittin and the brownies were standing, we made the beijing boy stand for this one. (RESPECT)

Since shaveen is back, team bb decided to take him out for dinner at his home (Mc D) (btw this is one of his houses, others would include: wine n liquor, soho ( this place is fucked), core ( this rocks) etc etc.) unfortunately like all his plans it back fired again

writers comment: when his plans back fire, trust us, its does so in a colossal level ( sorry if the spelling is wrong), oh btw if u non brown faggots dont understand wot colossal is look it up in ur english 2 wotever dictionary.

so talkin bout back fire, he had to pay for the whole dinner.

Team BB (minus BB tausif, for once BB angelo is in the picture )

writer's comment: happy now angelo?


Dear Beijing fuckers/ non brown ppl

dont take wotever we said in the wrong way, it was just part of a very twisted joke (for us)
so no offence. Specialy u milton, we care bout u ( this mite sound gay, BUT ITS NOT)

writers comment : we are straight guys. sorry faggots (specialy BB faggots and mil << read this backwards

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