Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ummmmmm................ no idea


This has to be the best lecture in swinburne. BIS ( business information system) if said in the brather's accent it sounds like this ( beezness yi-enformation systam). oh btw if any of u need to e-ma-il him please do so, please shaaaaaarrrr (share) yourrr thought through online, oh and one more thing, he shops on amaze - on ( say it like ur sayin amazing). Below is a picture of the brratherr.

and below is fellow brown brother shaveen and liew ming ( liew ming is asleep btw) .

After lectures we went to kuching specialist because fellow brownie shaveen needed to get his ankle checked up. He acquired this injury 3 weeks ago and sadly, the injury kept on repeating itself every week on the same ankle on 3 consecutive fridays. He didn't get it checked up because he couldn't find a brown doctor. Luckily, today he found a yellow doctor who respects brown brothers! Plus the doctor works in a hospital which is affiliated with a brown brother hospital! (RESPECT).

Brownie shaveen outside kuching specialist (RESPECT)

Brownie Hasan checking his weight at the doctor's office.

The brownies minus angelo (who was taking the picture as usual)

P/S: Thanks shirley for driving us around.

Random shit that does not fit under a topic:

Samiur (our very own WALL-E the mangali version)

Here is EEEEVA (WALL-E's girlfriend). if u don't understand what's on top of the E in the picture, its an infinity sign.

Fellow brownie after being defeated by sleep.

Writers Comment: NOT SUPRISED!!!!!!!! happens everyday

Thats kaSUN ( u know wot to do) for those who dont (emphasize........), his full name is Instant Messenger dayana-tha kaSUN ra-jeee-tha.

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